As You Think, So Shall You Be

by Smoothvirus

I got home from work the other night and our local PBS station was on their membership drive. As part of that they were showing this program "How to get what you really, really, really, really want" starring this self-help guru, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

I don't usually watch this sort of thing, but since this was on PBS, and not a video I had to pay for, I stuck with it.

I'm not going to go into a summary of the show here, but I thought Dr. Dyer had some really good points.

The main theme of the talk was "As you think, so shall you be." What this means is that if you imagine yourself to be the kind of person you want, with the qualities you desire, then your mind will mold you into that person.

As in, if you imagine yourself as being successful with, and attractive to, women, you will be.

This maxim works both ways. If you constantly think about the qualities that you don't want in your life, then you will exhibit those qualities. So, if you constantly think of yourself as an unattractive lout, then that's exactly what you'll be. Constantly analyzing the qualities of your personality that you don't like, will make those qualities stronger.

I think that this should be a saying all of us should memorize...