Why Women Test Men... and How to Respond

by SmoothVejita

Her: I think you'd look great in this green shirt.

You: Maybe, but it's not a color I particularly like.

Her: Are you kidding! Everyone likes the color green. I seriously hope you're joking!

You: Not at all.

Her: Please, wear it for me? It's my favorite color! You'd make me very happy.

You: Ok fine, for you.

Nearly every guy who has had a girlfriend/wife has come across a time where their girl has tested them. Most of the time it happens subtly, such as the situation above, or it can deal with a much larger matter, such as catering to her every need when she says so.

Her reason for testing is fairly simple: to see if you have the word WIMP located in your profile! So how do you get rid of the notion that you are not a WIMP?

Start standing your ground and saying the word NO.

Her: I think you'd look great in this green shirt.

You: Maybe, but it's not a color I particularly like.

Her: Are you kidding! Everyone likes the color green. I seriously hope you're joking!

You: Not at all.

Her: Please, wear it for me? It's my favorite color! You'd make me very happy.

You: (With a smirk) I'm sure there are other ways to raise your spirits.

Her: Please?

You: (A wider smirk) You know, we could have been at the restaurant by now had you not wasted your time with this.

By standing up to her and keeping your ground you set out the aura that you are in control of yourself, not her. When she tries to test you, her emotions will rise positively in your favor. She will love you more because you are not a pushover, and a strong male is the kind she NEEDS.

So get tough, and good luck!
