Enjoy Your Life and the Women Will Come to You — Guaranteed!

by Mark

There are several factors that are involved in attracting and dating women. Some of these factors are physical, such as your appearance — working out, getting in shape, and dressing with style. Other factors have to do with the mental game that takes place.

What I want to focus on deals with your mental state and the area of being happy. This is one area that is often neglected in relation to dating, but it is so important.

We need to enjoy our lives right now.

Women are attracted to men who are happy and enjoy their lives.

They want to be around men who are positive and fun to be around.

Some of you might say, "I can't be happy. I have too many problems in my life."

We have to understand that everything does not have to be perfect in our lives for us to be happy. Happiness is not just going to fall down upon you — it is a choice that we have to make. Don't let your circumstances dictate your happiness. Be happy despite your circumstances.

You may have a good reason to be unhappy or upset, but being negative and sour isn't going to make anything better. Your sour attitude will keep you right where you are.

We shouldn't go around all happy and excited when we don't have problems and all defeated and depressed when we do have problems. Realize that when you go around happy all the time and with a good attitude...

People will be drawn to you and want to be around you.

Quit worrying if you haven't met the right person yet. Life is flying by so don't waste another minute worrying.

You have to make the most of this moment right now by choosing to enjoy every day of your life. Live one day at a time, because life is too short not to enjoy every single day.

Don't fall into the trap of waiting for some event to come along to make you happy.

So many guys are not happy today because they are waiting until they find a girlfriend to be happy. They say that once they get married, then they'll be happy. The fact is that if you're not happy before you find someone, you're not going to be happy once you find someone.

Someone else cannot ultimately make and keep you happy.

Rather than looking at what is wrong in your life, start being thankful for what's right in your life. Be happy at all times and quit having a pity party and complaining. This doesn't mean that you don't want things to get better; it means that you don't get frustrated when things don't go your way. Don't let things get the best of you.

Live for today. You'll never get this day back, so decide that this is the day to be happy. Be happy no matter what comes against you. Change you attitude.

I've made up my mind that I'm going to live my life happy and to the fullest. If you choose to do the same and apply the great tips in this newsletter, you'll experience success in dating and in your relationships.
