How to Dress With Style to Capture a Woman's Attention

by MrCasual

I've noticed a number of posts in the discussion category that have to do with:

  • failing to capture 'looks' from women and
  • getting an immediate lukewarm response to going out on that first date.

I think I know exactly what's happening and how to avoid it. Try this...

Trust me -- you either LOOK BORING, or NOT DANGEROUS.

Hey, I can relate to the guy who bought "new slacks and shoes" etc. That was good thinking, but you didn't take it far enough. I've gone down this road, and it's confusing because you're thinking "Hey, I look NICE."

And I'll risk the wrath of the Don Juan site and tell you that women DO LIKE NICE GUYS. BUT NOT JUST...NICE GUYS. More than anything, women want combinations of features in a guy.

Here a few style tips. I dare you to try one or two, and report back.

1. BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS. If you do one thing, wear a pair of cowboy boots. This obviously works better in non western situations where not everybody has a pair. It'll INSTANTLY make you look meaner, tougher, and more stylish.

2. An IDENTITY piece of clothing. Women LOVE manly organizations. Anything that identifies you with: scuba diving, rock climbing, firemen, karate, race driving, etc. This is the ultimate style weapon.

3. DON'T just wear the gear. GET associated with something macho, and wear the heck out of it.

4. Go to the "Controlled" hair thing. Don't use huge amounts of gel, but slick the sides down a little. Women love CONTROLLED STRENGTH. Your hair should look like controlled strength.

5. ONE unique, but macho, piece of jewelry. DO NOT wear it traditionally. If you have a ring, for example, put it on an unusual finger.

6. Finally, get a style coach. OTHER WOMEN will tell you how you can add ONE or TWO bits of attire to maximum effect. Each guy will be different.